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Issy Clarkson

Head of People

What I do at Propeller

As Head of People, I am focused on helping find, grow, and keep the best team at Propeller. Day to day, I split my time between our office, people partnering and talent functions across Australia, the Philipines and the USA. 

I really believe meaningful work with good people makes you a happier and more fulfilled human, and I love that the People team has the opportunity to impact this for our team.

Why Propeller

Propeller is full of down-to-earth, open, kind people. We have high standards and deeply care about our customers and team. I feel really lucky to work with people I like and respect so much every day. So yes! I would recommend :)

Who am I?

I grew up in the UK and started my career in London as a Management Consultant. I worked in large companies and learned a tonne, but found it hard to connect the work I was doing with the overall business success. I wanted to be closer to how businesses work. This got me interested in startups. 

7 years ago I joined Propeller in an operations role but always stayed close to how we hired and supported our people.  4 years ago (about 2 weeks before covid!) I stepped into my current role, and haven't looked back!

Advice for prospective candidates

This role is all about being empathetic, pragmatic, and proactive.

I'd love to hear how you've made things happen without 100% of the information, found solutions to difficult, nuanced problems, and brought others along on the journey.

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